Happy NY 2024!!

Who dares to say this will be their best year yet? 

We do!

If the last few years have taught us anything it is the need to be adaptable. Through the changing world of COVID restrictions, lockdowns, staffing shortages and the inflation that followed, it's fair to say that no-one has been able to stick to rigid plans if they wished to survive. 

As this New Year approached, I reflected again on the need for flexibility and a clear belief in your goals, if you want to succeed. I certainly learnt this lesson over the last few years...

Our little Polished Beauty story...

Don't worry - it has a happy ending  

Just a week before the very first COVID closure of all hair and beauty salons, we had just invested in some amazing technology for IPL hair removal and advanced skin treatments. Great timing huh? Well we thought so too, but not to be deterred, we decided to defer the training a few months until we re-opened, but there was more to come....

After the COVID upheaval to the industry and the break in the normal routine, two of our therapists decided to rethink their careers in Beauty, so our priorities changed again just to ensure we could save our business. The most important thing then was to rebuild our team and to avoid Wendy overworking in the meantime. It is not an exaggeration to say, we had some issues finding the right person, and we were wondering if we ever would get the right fit.

Meanwhile, our new wonderful machine continued to rest in its corner waiting for an opportunity.

Luckily for us, we finally found the perfect new team member in Connie in 2021 who we employed as a trainee, reasoning if we found the right person, we would teach the right skills. Through her diligent study and Wendy's hands-on tutelage, we were proud as could be when Connie graduated as a fully qualified Beauty Therapist mid 2023. 

Yes, we finally had our chance!

So mid 2023 was at last, our time to complete all our theory and practical training on the new machine modalities and then complete several months of practice with models to refine our timing and portfolios.

And so, after four years of waiting, planning, adapting and hoping, we are now very pleased to announce the addition of our fantastic new services for skin tightening, pigmentation, red vein removal and body contouring to our beauty services menu! Check them out on our new website where we have added lots of information about each treatment. 

Amongst our clients, we have noticed other changes on the last few years too. It seems there is now a trend letting hair grow grey and loving it. A few of us adopted this one happily too! We also observe a renewed focus on inner health and skincare rather than make-up and surgery. Nothing beats natural glowing skin (except maybe a quick spray tan boost for summer months).

Here's hoping you survived the last few years too, and that we all make 2024 our best year yet!


Man up and get a ‘man’icure