Man up and get a ‘man’icure

Why Get a Men’s Manicure?

Don’t be fooled – there are plenty of men out there getting Manicure & Pedicures. We regularly have them visiting our salon, sometimes with their partner and sometimes by themselves. Just as your hair grows, so do you nails and they require regular grooming. You might be getting married and wanting clean nails for the close-up photography of your rings,  or you might have a job that requires you to be very well presented – perhaps your a businessman, real estate agent, model or a media personality. You could also have a job in which your hands are frequently in view of others – a croupier, someone who prepares or serves food or a sales assistant. Regardless of the reason, getting a manicure isn’t something to be concerned about. Let’s run through some of the benefits and what’s involved.

Quickly about the Cuticle

The cuticle is the non-living tissue attached to the nail plate. It grows out with the nail and gives the nail a dull look. Having excess cuticle can cause a few issues, including an overgrown Eponychium, tearing along the nail side walls and hang-nails which can become  infected and be quite painful. It just looks untidy as well.

What’s in a Men’s Manicure?

Polished Beauty will loosen/push back the non living tissue which is attached to the nail plate (eg. cuticle) and remove it if it’s safe to do so. The living tissue (Eponychium) should never be cut or removed. We will then file and shape the nail free edge.

Have a look at the picture below. It’s the before shot of one of our male clients.

You’ll notice there is damaged skin above the nail as well as a jagged and uneven nail edge. The Eponychium is also overgrown. You may also notice rough visible ridges that run along the nail plate.

A manicure at Polished Beauty begins by pushing back and removing any excess cuticle. The nail edge is then shortened, smoothed out and shaped using a file giving it a consistent round or square edge. The nail surface is buffed with a buffer, revealing a smooth shiny surface. Finally cuticle oil is applied around the cuticle which helps moisturise any dry skin and removing or reducing any further visibly damaged skin.


The result is a professional looking set of fingernails. If your looking to take your Manicure to the next level our Deluxe version includes an exfoliation of your hands (removes dead & dry skin) as well as a moisturising massage (you will be very surprised how relaxing it is!). If you’re really game, add some colour with nail polish or gel polish!


Happy NY 2024!!